I want tell just two thing..
In real life, If you touch lateraly your car with a wall, you car won´t do a 360º Flip. So Just drive on so2r in uf1 or fxo and you will see that Enormous BUG...
The second, it´s clear that we knowing that this bug exists, ( yes, it exists, because someone can see that "No, It doesn´t" ? ), all the LFS drivers would think to drive more carefully, but, so in this way, this isn´t a realist game..
I think that nobody must see The flag in the nick, but yes the opinions... +1 isn´t a opinion, this is a post, not a poll, so I resquest plz, that no one more put the stupid +1 because it donesn´t mean nothing..
So I agree with solve this bug, but i agree too with solve another bugs, because, we know that this isn´t the only one bug in LFS, but It´s, with lag crashes, the most important bug because it affect to the driving.
We ( LFS WORLD DRIVERS ) want a real drive, we are here for a driving simulator, ifelse, we would be in NFS, where you can paint your car, put spinners and other stuppid stuff.
PS. " Toma ladrillo"
PS2. Don´t speculate with this is a attack from spain drivers and other stupid sutff, We (everyone in this forum) aren´t boys, or almost, everyone try think as a serious person, so don´t desvituate the post with "Spanish attack" "Inquisition" or other stuff.
Thx for read this