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S2 licensed
That isn´t a esencial thing.. but would be good have it..


Quote :Töki (HUN)
I think it would be too difficult to create

I think that would be easy because actualy lfs record how many laps do you do, so lfs just would must check if you´re leader, and if is yes, +1 to Total Leader Laps count..

S2 licensed
No hosts, no racers online..
S2 licensed
That´s a lfsw bug, or hack lfsw?
S2 licensed
PM Sent
S2 licensed
He have a new PM..

S2 licensed
Hi Gai-Luron

I would like a suggestion for the lfs stats. Now with the problem of the lfs hack speed would be fantastic that LFS stats could calculate the maximun aceleration of a user, in the same way that happend with Max speed.

So, watching this table, we would know that nobody is using cheats and could give interesting info to know about the set, f.e. he have a set with less max speed but with high aceleration etc.

But as I said, principaly for know if someone cheats..

S2 licensed
I´ve tried unpack() but It don´t work, but very posible because me.. Could someone do a little example using unpack for read the mpr?
S2 licensed
Aja, ok thx, I will try and I´ll post again here with the results.

Thx u again
S2 licensed
Nono, verás, cada uno es responsable de lo suyo. Yo no subiría una hotlap con trucos pero bueno..

De todos modos, yo creo que deberían arreglar esto, ya que no es bueno para nadie.

Y lo peor, que hay una página web donde está el programita este, y para descargarlo hay quedarle cosa de 4 € al propietario, por lo que está ganando un dinero a costa de destrozar un juego tan grande como lfs.

Insisto, veo muy mal que haga eso, que no pretendo justificarlo ni mucho menos, pero que creo que lfs debe solventar estos fallos, por que si no, mal vamos.

S2 licensed
A thing, Nobody have think that this can be a way of protest to devs for don´t fix the fail?
S2 licensed
Already I can open the replay file, with fopen, with I don´t know how do it by bites :S
S2 licensed
To do this, you can use calculator..

If the average lap is 1:33, put it in seconds, 93 secs.

40 mins into secs ==> 2400 secs

2400 / 93 ==> +- 25 laps..

That we everyone do to set laps based in time.. Isn´t exactly but near than it..
Read mpr data in php
S2 licensed

I´m going to try do a php script which can read all the data from mpr.

WeatherWind, LapsPlayerFast Lap, End places, etc..

And I would get a bit help for this..

**Note, I know that would be more easy in C but must be in php..**

S2 licensed
Due to that "?" generated by LFSPoints, the aplication which read the xml don´t know who´s ESPA?A[XTM] because that "?" do that ESPAÑA[XTM] is one racer, and ESPA?A[XTM] other.

S2 licensed
Error in latins characters like as "ñ" "ó" "í" and the "tm" etc.

Would be fantastic to solve this error..

Here the xml..

PS. Fantastic app
S2 licensed
I want tell just two thing..

In real life, If you touch lateraly your car with a wall, you car won´t do a 360º Flip. So Just drive on so2r in uf1 or fxo and you will see that Enormous BUG...

The second, it´s clear that we knowing that this bug exists, ( yes, it exists, because someone can see that "No, It doesn´t" ? ), all the LFS drivers would think to drive more carefully, but, so in this way, this isn´t a realist game..

I think that nobody must see The flag in the nick, but yes the opinions... +1 isn´t a opinion, this is a post, not a poll, so I resquest plz, that no one more put the stupid +1 because it donesn´t mean nothing..

So I agree with solve this bug, but i agree too with solve another bugs, because, we know that this isn´t the only one bug in LFS, but It´s, with lag crashes, the most important bug because it affect to the driving.

We ( LFS WORLD DRIVERS ) want a real drive, we are here for a driving simulator, ifelse, we would be in NFS, where you can paint your car, put spinners and other stuppid stuff.

PS. " Toma ladrillo"

PS2. Don´t speculate with this is a attack from spain drivers and other stupid sutff, We (everyone in this forum) aren´t boys, or almost, everyone try think as a serious person, so don´t desvituate the post with "Spanish attack" "Inquisition" or other stuff.

Thx for read this
S2 licensed
Quote from (SaM) :
Bienvenida a esta comunidad!

Eso eso, Bienvenida
S2 licensed
Conexion List I think that it´s for how many people is in server.. If you configure a server, with maxguest you can set the number of guest (conexions) that can join in the host. so if you put 23, 23 people will can join, and never will be 22 because host use one.. I think..
S2 licensed
It´s happends too with wr on so1r-mrt..

S2 licensed
+1, but without minimun of reason..
Little bug in counter [not a bug]
S2 licensed

I´ve seen one thing that I think that is a Little bug. In conexion list, if there are five people on the server, you see 6 conexion ( I think that host is counting as conexion but it´s not logical..) , thing that isn´t true, because it would show 5.
S2 licensed
Quote from geeman1 :We already have a ability to send a setup to another racer online.

The suggestion it´s not to send setup to another racer, it´s that the another racer get your set without your intervention.


You and me, are in the same team. You´re driving and doing wonderful times, but I need your setup to improve, because your set it´s better, so i just push one boton and I get your set, without you do anything.

Do you understand it now?
S2 licensed
Try Do wr in bl1 - xfg with set default :P ..[/offtopic]

And About the suggestion?
About car settings..
S2 licensed

I would know what racers this about this suggest and If would be posible for next version ( I think that´s it´s imposible for Version X, so the next ).

As everybody know, the set, is the 50 % of a good lap time. So, we always like get the best set, usually for leagues, and other races.

The normal leagues, are formed by diferents team, and the team works hard to do a good set. Normaly, when you are trying to do a good lap, or improve the set, you can´t send that set to your team, so for this, I will propose a system based in get a set, without the driver send you ( wait , don´t say yet that in this way everybody could "steal" the sets.. )

In that system, the racer A would be driving, and the B would push a button ( example in conexion list ) and automaticly he get that set.

That´s clear that this system, must have a security system, as could be a option that would say:

Who can get your set? Nobody. FriendList (based in s2 names, never nicks.) and the last option ALL.

So in this way, you always keep the control about who could get your set.

What do you think?
S2 licensed
One question..

Is about the new ban/kick system. If the player that is being voted for get kick or ban, leave server, whats happend?